

Macadamia Integrated Orchard Management Case Studies 2016

2016 | Bright J, Alt S


This booklet is a companion to the Macadamia integrated orchard management (IOM) practice guide 2016. IOM is a framework for maintaining high productivity orchards, and the recovery of orchards in decline. The IOM practice guide describes the ways macadamia growers can manage canopy, orchard floor and drainage. Growers use the IOM framework to assess their orchards, and choose practices appropriate for the orchard’s stage of development. We might call that the theory. This booklet is the practice. It’s about what growers decided was limiting their orchard performance, and what they did about it. Each story tells how growers have used the theory from the IOM practice guide to identify problems on their farms, and take on management changes to sustain or recover their orchard productivity.
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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.