

Dr. Chris Searle is first Chair of International R&D Committee

The AMS extends its congratulations to Dr. Chris Searle, who has been appointed as the first Chair of the International Macadamia R&D Committee, a sub-committee of the International Macadamia Symposium Committee (IMSC). 

Chris’s appointment was announced at the recent International R&D Forum in China, attended by more than 100 researchers from most macadamia origins. Dr. Elrea Strydom from SAMAC was announced as Deputy Chair.

The R&D committee is responsible for driving international R&D collaboration across all macadamia origins in non-competitive areas. Such areas are:

  • ensuring all macadamias that reach the consumer are of a consistently high quality
  • correctly identifying pests and diseases
  • how to grow macadamias at high altitudes
  • the genomics that underpin breeding.

They will drive collaborative projects including:

  • a smart phone app to identify pests and diseases in each country
  • a database of cultivated macadamia varieties and some of their characteristics
  • post-harvest quality and 
  • a register of all international macadamia researchers.

The secretariat of the R&D committee is provided by the IMSC with support from the Municipal Government of Lincang and is based in Lincang City in Yunnan.

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.